Stakeholder Database
The ECAAS Stakeholder Database contains a list of nearly 200 organizations working in agricultural ground data collection, processing, sharing, use, and application. The database compiles information on a variety of aspects of an organization’s work, including primary activities, geographic coverage, role in the data chain, service level, use cases, data and technologies utilized, and crops addressed. While the database is searchable, we only include organizations that completed our Network Survey, and not all organizations that exist in the ecosystem.
Click here to search the stakeholder database
We encourage every organization working in the crop analytics landscape to submit their information using the above Network Survey if they would like to be included in the database. This database serves as a resource that organizations in the crop analytics landscape can use to find one another and further network. In addition to registering organizations in the database, we will use this information to better understand the level of cooperation and coordination among organizations engaged in crop analytics at scale. If you choose to fill out the survey, participating organizations will be identified as part of a social network map that will be shared with all participants.
If your organization has already completed the Network Survey, you can register for a login on the stakeholder database and update the information about your organization. If you have questions about the database or need assistance modifying or adding to your organization’s information, please contact [email protected]. You may request that your organization be removed from the social network map or database at any time.