Agricultural Data Platforms
Within each of the below links users can find repositories of agricultural data and statistics which can be used as ground truth training data. In the long term, it is our intention to explore bridging these and other repositories through a common search function to make finding a geo-specific dataset as easy as possible. In the meantime, we will provide access to each of the known repositories within our network. Please let us know if you know of a relevant data repository not listed below.
Most of the teams funded by the ECAAS AgData Acceleration Facility have generated their own agricultural training datasets as part of their respective innovation workstreams. Several of these teams have already uploaded training data to Radiant Earth’s MLHub. Please reach out if you cannot find a specific dataset related to an ECAAS project, or if you have any other questions about these datasets.
ML Hub
Radiant MLHub is the world’s first cloud-based open library dedicated to Earth observation training data for use with machine learning algorithms. MLHub provides 13 crop type training datasets.
The Global Agricultural Research Data Innovation & Acceleration Network is a hub for agri-food data discovery. GARDIAN provides searchable agri-food datasets, documents, and digital assets from CGIAR centers and partners.
The platform integrates genomic, environmental, management, and socioeconomic (GEMS) data in a single platform for agricultural analysis. GEMS offers basic access to 200 searchable public datasets.
Global Yield Gap Atlas
GYGA is the world’s leading database on high-quality agronomic data with local to global relevance that covers up to 13 major food crops across 70 countries and six continents. The platform contains data for actual and potential crop yield and yield gaps.
Data Sharing Platform
The DSP provides access to public datasets of historical field boundaries, field locations, field area, crop type, planting date, and yield data. Custom reports are emailed to the user, allowing researchers to easily share downloaded datasets.
Digital Earth Africa Map
DEA provides accurate, high-resolution, and regularly updated cropland area maps in addition to datasets on crop watering intensities, crop types, and crop productivity for the African continent. The map shows the presence or absence of crops using 10m resolution imagery.
The Living Atlas & Africa GEOPortal
Both ESRI’s data platforms provide open-access datasets and contain numerous valuable data sources for Agricultural users. The Living Atlas repository lists curated layers of maps and apps. The Africa GEOPortal is one part of the Living Atlas filtered to show Africa-specific content and embedded to make the data easier to discover and access for a single user.