ECAAS has concluded in December 2023, and we will update this site when we have more information about future work.
Past Events

World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit 2022
In-Person and Virtual Conference | San Francisco | March 22-23, 2022
World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit has become the annual meeting place for the global agtech ecosystem. Growers, agribusiness leaders, technology pioneers, and investors come together to exchange insights, be inspired, and identify future partners.

ICT for Ag Conference – 2022
Virtual Conference | March 9-10, 2022
Sponsored by Feed the Future and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), ICTforAg 2022 offers an interactive virtual experience focused on technical dialogue and fostering collaboration across the digital agriculture community and the sectors in which we work. Spanning two days and covering all of the world’s time zones, the conference will focus on three overarching themes and one cross-cutting theme: Locally-led Development, Climate, Digital Inclusion, and Data & Digital Sovereignty.

Webinar: Next-Gen Crop Production Analytics
Virtual Webinar | February 17, 2022
Field-based crop cut experiment (CCE) data is a gold standard of ground truth data for crop analytics, yet it is time-consuming and challenging to scale over large areas. Satellite remote sensing-based estimates can cover a large area, yet their accuracy is highly subject to the availability and quality of ground truth data. To address these two interlinked challenges, IFPRI, University of Twente/ITC, ICRISAT, and aWhere developed a two-stage pilot project and applied it in Odisha, India. This webinar will present a new two-stage crop production analytics approach piloted in this project that leverages cutting-edge satellite remote sensing and geo-statistical techniques to address the dual issues of inefficient ground-truth sampling design and inaccurate in-field crop yield measurement methods.

Cracking the Nut ’21 Breakout: Technology Applications in the Energy-Water-Agriculture Nexus
Virtual Conference | November 15-18, 2021
This session will offer an overview of water-energy-agriculture technology solutions and share Tetra Tech and DevWorks’ expertise in implementing programs that enable access to such technologies for bottom-of-the-pyramid customers. Tetra Tech will use USAID’s Digital Development Principles as a lens to analyze case studies of successful approaches and enable discussion of effective design of future programming. Participants will discuss how applying the Principles for Digital Development can illuminate potential implementation challenges and reduce friction in deploying new technologies.
Cracking the Nut ’21 Breakout: Technology Applications in the Energy-Water-Agriculture Nexus
Virtual Conference | November 15-18, 2021
This session will offer an overview of water-energy-agriculture technology solutions and share Tetra Tech and DevWorks’ expertise in implementing programs that enable access to such technologies for bottom-of-the-pyramid customers. Tetra Tech will use USAID’s Digital Development Principles as a lens to analyze case studies of successful approaches and enable discussion of effective design of future programming. Participants will discuss how applying the Principles for Digital Development can illuminate potential implementation challenges and reduce friction in deploying new technologies.

Borlaug Dialogue Side Event: Toward Equitable Datasets and Data Sharing for Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
Virtual Workshop | October, 2020
This panel discussion, hosted by Meridian Institute and Tetra Tech, highlighted how improved data collection and sharing can help support artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications to transform smallholder agriculture systems. When linked to analytics and user-based platforms, these technologies can help farmers optimize productivity through pest and disease control, soil and water management, tailored extension, and other services. Panelists shared how the Lacuna Fund and Enabling Crop Analytics at Scale initiatives are supporting the development of more locally relevant and complete datasets and a more robust ecosystem to better identify and overcome barriers to machine learning and AI for agriculture.
2020 Grand Challenges Annual Meeting
Virtual Conference | October, 2020
ECAAS co-led the combined Enabling Crop Analytics at Scale and Smart Farming Innovations for Small Scale Producers tracks at the 2020 Grand Challenges Annual Meeting. Day 1 of the three-day conference focused on introducing and providing an update on the ECAAS initiative. This session ended with two keynote presentations which highlighted technologies and opportunities where crop analytics can continue driving applications and improved practices within digital agriculture. Day 2 featured an ideas marketplace, guided by an interactive use case map, where a variety of private, public, and civil society organizations presented innovative work in smart farming and crop analytics. Day 3 leveraged virtual breakout groups and a participatory prioritization process via a digital whiteboard to help narrow future AGData Acceleration Facility investments within three priority technical areas: 1) ground-truth data collection; 2) systems interoperability and data standards; and 3) partnership and network development strategy.

Assessing the Standards Landscape for Ground Data Collection, Processing, Sharing, and Use in Agricultural Analytics
Virtual Workshop | July, 2020
ECAAS hosted a consultation to map the landscape of existing and emerging standards and guidelines for ground data and identify risks and opportunities for improving this landscape. Explore our graphic recordings which visually document the discussion, including a list of priority actions for stakeholders in this space.
2019 Grand Challenges Annual Meeting
Virtual Conference | October, 2019
Held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the 2019 Grand Challenges Meeting featured a combined Crop Analytics and Smart Farming track led by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and supported by Tetra Tech. ECAAS held two breakout sessions focused on Sustainability Planning and Innovation. The Sustainability Planning breakout group identified existing potential data hosting platforms and key considerations for a network repository such as clearly defining what will be considered public data, and what specific data should or should not be stored over a given timeframe. This group also discussed business model options and key considerations in identifying sustainable use cases and revenue streams.
The Innovation breakout group discussed constraints and challenges for ground data collection and identified key technologies, approaches, and considerations to address these challenges. The group also discussed how best to engage growers at scale, how to integrate data capture within existing processes, and how farmer to farmer networking is critical to scale and sustainability of any advanced analytic solutions.